My Thoughts In My Words

How Long Can Humans Live?

♠ Posted by Abhijit Bangal in , at 7:15 AM
Long live lovely life… how often have we blessed our friends and family members by saying this! But this must be mentioned that the word ‘long’ here is a subjective term. For some people living 70 years may be ‘long’, while for some it may be 100 years. In short, the lifespan of everyone is different.
In the Stone Age, the lifespan was just about 25 to 30 years. In the Bronze Age, it is estimated that the average life span of a human had gone even below 20 years. However, according to the studies in those days – in the Bronze Age, the lifespan was at least two times more.
Even in the recent past like the beginning of the 20th century, the general lifespan was between 25 and 30 years. As compared with today’s lifespan, it looks far too small, because the life expectancy has gone up in the last few years.
Now, the question is how were people so short-lived those days? So, apart from the geographical conditions, the mortality rate also played a part in it. There were many fatal diseases that weren't curable then. Well, that’s why we are calling them ‘fatal’, isn't it?
The average age of people in India is certainly not less than 70 years. If on one hand there are newer lethal diseases, those of the olden days are nowhere to be seen. Today’s generation does not even know the ailments of the past. There are more life saving medicines that almost bring back the dead. When there is such improvement in departments regarding health, it is very likely that people will live longer.
Scientists are also making efforts to find if it will be possible to find out what causes ageing. If that becomes a reality, probably man will have even longer lives than what are today.


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